
Specially Controlled Medical Device Authorization Number : 22600BZX00094A03
License No. for Retailing and Renting Specially Controlled Medical Devices: 4501091400002

Anime Contact [うるるEye (Ururu Eye)]
make your eye teary!

To make your eyes look teary and appealing!

To make your eyes look teary and appealing!

2000JPY(excluded tax)
  • mixiチェック

To make your eyes look teary and appealing!

(Clear lens parts are shown in cyan.)

Anime Contact lenses will make your eyes twinkle like those of the main characters of cartoons!

Anime Contact is based on a completely new concept, realizing the "twinkling eyes" of main characters of animations and cartoons with the use of circle contact lenses favored by many people.
To give your eyes a sparkle, you can either wear lenses of the same type on both eyes or select different types of lenses for each of your eyes, according to your image.

How to use

  • Monthly use( Please care with solution liquid)
  • You can enjoy a variety of facial expressions by the angle to wear a lens
  • Light blue part of the lens is not colored


expiry date
1 month
2 lenses/box power 0.00
lens storage solution
Sodium chloride , phosphate buffer material
approval No.
Japan Eden Co.,Ltd.
TEL +81 357598258

Contact lens is a medical device . Please contact buying always subject to inspection of the ophthalmologist .
Please do not sleep while wearing the lens .
Please go the care of every day lens always .
Please do not use beyond one month the lens .