
Specially Controlled Medical Device Authorization Number : 22600BZX00094A03
License No. for Retailing and Renting Specially Controlled Medical Devices: 4501091400002

Anime Contact [きらきら Eye (Kirakira Eye)]
make your eye sparkling!

To make your eyes look eccentric and pretty in an adult-like way!

To make your eyes look eccentric and pretty in an adult-like way!

2000JPY(excluded tax)
  • mixiチェック

To make your eyes look eccentric and pretty in an adult-like way!

(Clear lens parts are shown in cyan.)

Anime Contact lenses will make your eyes twinkle like those of the main characters of cartoons!

Anime Contact is based on a completely new concept, realizing the "twinkling eyes" of main characters of animations and cartoons with the use of circle contact lenses favored by many people.
To give your eyes a sparkle, you can either wear lenses of the same type on both eyes or select different types of lenses for each of your eyes, according to your image.

How to use

  • Monthly use( Please care with solution liquid)
  • You can enjoy a variety of facial expressions by the angle to wear a lens
  • Light blue part of the lens is not colored


expiry date
1 month
2 lenses/box power 0.00
lens storage solution
Sodium chloride , phosphate buffer material
approval No.
Japan Eden Co.,Ltd.
TEL +81 357598258

Contact lens is a medical device . Please contact buying always subject to inspection of the ophthalmologist .
Please do not sleep while wearing the lens .
Please go the care of every day lens always .
Please do not use beyond one month the lens .